click tracking


Computer Scientist Who Loves Helping Students Improve Their Skills

Hi! I am currently a [non-nerd] Software Engineer; within a small Agile group, I build Windows desktop applications using technologies such as Object-Oriented C++, Boost and STL libraries, SQL, and XML. Before that, I had spent most of my adult life in academia, collecting degrees while doing research in Computer Engineering. I do not claim to be exceptionally smart, just a hard-working individual, which is why I like to help students who are not shining as they should. I believe anybody c...

computer science

ACT Math


algebra 1

algebra 2


general computer

Microsoft Word


Microsoft PowerPoint




Obou H. from Denver, CO

Alex is extremely professional. He tailors and designs sessions based on your needs. Very patient. He has a strong ability in simplifying complex topics and concepts. More importantly he coaches you in your academic life giving tips and guidelines that helps you ace any course. I will definitely work with him in the near future